RM35.1 Million Project Secured From JPJ For Next Phase of AwAS System
24 Nov 2021


  • Open System Architecture to replace existing proprietary systems and deliver key cost-savings  
  • Scope includes end-to-end functionality, from image capture to integration with other related JPJ systems for summons generation 
  • AwAS part of National Road Safety Roadmap to increase road safety  


A key project has been secured from Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Malaysia by Microlink Systems Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Microlink Group.  Valued at a total of some RM35.1 million (including 6% Sales & Service Tax), the project is referred to as Perkhidmatan Pembangunan Sistem Terbuka Dan Sokongan Teknikal Bagi Sistem Keselamatan Kesedaran Automatik or Open System Development Services & Technical Support for Automatic Awareness Security System (AwAS). The three-year project, which will involve the development of an Open System* Platform for the AwAS infrastructure, is expected to deliver considerable long-term cost-savings for JPJ.


The new system will be integrated with the existing camera network, various JPJ systems including the mySIKAP (Sistem Informasi Kenderaan dan Pemandu) and Road Charge & Vehicle Entry Permit System, as well as external systems, including POS Malaysia.


The scope of work spans requirement specification, design, development and security protocols for the Core and Supporting Modules of the Open System, as well as Mobile Applications. The development of the new Open System will be undertaken by the Group’s in-house team of solution architects, subject matter experts, applications specialists and project management personnel.  Change Management, Training and Onsite Technical Support will also be provided to JPJ personnel to ensure the smooth implementation and roll-out of the new Open System and enable onward in-house management by JPJ.


Chia Yong Wei, Group CEO of Microlink, said,

“We are honoured to be entrusted by JPJ with this next phase of development of the AwAS system. The new Open System will allow interoperability and seamless maintenance across all the various components of the AwAS ecosystem. It will also enable JPJ to manage the system in-house. In the long run, this interoperability and connectivity will deliver considerable cost efficiencies for JPJ“. 


The AwAS was introduced by JPJ as part of the National Road Safety Plan with the primary goal of reducing road traffic fatalities in the country. Designed to monitor vehicle speeds, traffic light violations and driver behaviour along major highways and at accident blackspots, the AwAS system is aimed at improving driving behaviour, as well as curbing speeding and cutting the number of accidents. There are currently 45 cameras installed at different locations around Peninsular Malaysia.


The new project follows on from the contract currently being completed by OMESTI Group subsidiary Formis Network Services Sdn Bhd for the Maintenance and Technical Support Services for the ICT Infrastructure and Application Systems of the AwAS.


*Open systems combine portability and interoperability, and make use of open software standards, enabling interoperability between different vendors and standards, allowing for modularity so that hardware and software need not be attached to a single vendor or platform.

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