Malaysia's eCOURTS digital court infrastructure will be maintained and supported over the next two years by a dedicated team from OMESTI. OMESTI Group subsidiary Formis Network Services has been awarded the two-year contract, valued at RM17.788 million [including GST], which covers all 20 locations across Peninsular Malaysia where the new eCOURTS platform is now live.
OMESTI Group Executive Director Ms Mah Xian-Zhen said, “Maintenance is an essential component of the work our teams have carried out over the last 18 months to develop and install the new fully digital eCOURTS platform.” The enhanced platform includes new modules for case management and filing of both civil and criminal cases, as well as an upgraded user interface portal.
Nurman Rummel Sanusi, COO of the OMESTI eCOURTS development team, added, “We have set up a dedicated team of personnel who will be stationed at the various locations around the country to provide hands-on support and expertise. They will work closely with the team at Federal Court of Malaysia to ensure the continuous smooth running of the eCOURTS platform.” The contract will apply to maintenance of all system applications and hardware.
One of the key components of the new infrastructure is a mobile app enabling lawyers, court officers and judiciary to access the system, from any location at any time. The system is linked with external government agencies including PDRM, JPJ, JPN, the Land Office and others to provide a seamless interface.
The contract also includes maintenance and support for the online property auction platform - eLelong - that was developed by OMESTI and brought on stream recently. Mr Sanusi said, “Having built a close rapport with all the teams at Federal Court and BHEUU* during the development and implementation of the new eCOURTS platform, we look forward to our continued relationship.” *Bahagian Hal Ehwal Undang-undang.